Dive Into Relationship Mastery

Starter Courses

How to Manage the 5 Most Common Emotional Storms

The best part about learning new dance moves is gaining the confidence to show them off. Learn dance routines you can't wait to share while burning calories and building lean muscle.

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How to Communicate Your Most Intense Emotions Without an Argument

Core strength is at the center of every move your body makes.  Put in the work to build those muscles and you’ll be sure to notice a boost to your mobility and stamina throughout the day.

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How to Get Your Partner into Polyamory

Aerobics is a great way to burn calories and reach your fitness goals. Dance and cardio are the perfect aerobic pairing. Incorporate the two and keep yourself motivated like never before. 

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Featured Courses

Transform your Marriage

Core strength is at the center of every move your body makes.  Put in the work to build those muscles and you’ll be sure to notice a boost to your mobility and stamina throughout the day.

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Let go of fear. Embrace trust.

Fear can often sabotage our happiness, and trust is the ultimate remedy to fear. The problem is, that most of us learned toxic lessons about trust. We must unlearn these beliefs, and return to true trust. When we trust, we feel safe in our bodies, we are confident around others, and we are patient with the universe.

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Master Emotional Expression & Authentic Communication

Aerobics is a great way to burn calories and reach your fitness goals. Dance and cardio are the perfect aerobic pairing. Incorporate the two and keep yourself motivated like never before. 

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