All The Tools You Need To  Successfully Perform Lacing™ Meditation With Clients Online Business

New!  14-video course on step-by-step instructions on how to set-up, explain, prepare and perform the Lacing ceremony with your clients!  New as of 2023.  Presented by the founder of PLA, Kenya K Stevens.

Get Certified

Add An Amazing NEW Ceremonial Tool to your Practice

Have you been looking for a remedy for a richness in your coaching practice that takes your clients beyond intellectual understanding?  Kenya K Stevens Lacing™ Certification delivers a way to merge ancient ceremonies with modern coaching, psychology, and therapy.

Heal Your Clients of Emotional Trauma's

Do you want to be able to provide clients with a tool to heal long-standing and stubborn patterns?  Healing is so much more than just talking and boundary-setting. It requires regression, meditation, a ritual work.  Lacing™ Certification arms you with a powerful tool for healing.

Help Your Clients Release Past Pain an Gain Emotional Control

Lacing™ Meditation is a suitable way to teach self-soothing to your clients.  Your clients will emerge with the ability to soothe themselves, and finally, release and let go of grudges, resentments, painful memories, and stress.

Get Certified in Lacingā„¢ļø¸