All The Tools You Need To Successfully Perform Lacing™ Meditation With Clients Online Business
New! 14-video course on step-by-step instructions on how to set-up, explain, prepare and perform the Lacing ceremony with your clients! New as of 2023. Presented by the founder of PLA, Kenya K Stevens.
Get Certified

Add An Amazing NEW Ceremonial Tool to your Practice
Have you been looking for a remedy for a richness in your coaching practice that takes your clients beyond intellectual understanding? Kenya K Stevens Lacing™ Certification delivers a way to merge ancient ceremonies with modern coaching, psychology, and therapy.

Heal Your Clients of Emotional Trauma's
Do you want to be able to provide clients with a tool to heal long-standing and stubborn patterns? Healing is so much more than just talking and boundary-setting. It requires regression, meditation, a ritual work. Lacing™ Certification arms you with a powerful tool for healing.

Help Your Clients Release Past Pain an Gain Emotional Control
Lacing™ Meditation is a suitable way to teach self-soothing to your clients. Your clients will emerge with the ability to soothe themselves, and finally, release and let go of grudges, resentments, painful memories, and stress.